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Politics in Israel
Thursday, 24 February 2005
Disengagement PAIN

remote Editorial Posting at 12:37 PM
Thursday, 17 February 2005
Disengagement=PLO Empowerment - David Bedein
"Disengagement" is not being voted on in the Knesset on Wednesday -
"PLO Empowerment" is on the agenda

By: David Bedein
Beit Agron Press Center, 37 Hillel St., Jerusalem Tel: 02-5300125
Fax: 02-6236470

In a generation of fast sound bytes and instant news, neither
proponents nor opponents know what the Sharon Plan is all about.

It is hard to find anyone who has read the plan. .

What I have found from covering of the Knesset is that most Knesset
members, reporters who cover the Knesset and even Israeli government
ministers have not read the Sharon Plan.
Instead, people throughout Israel and throughout the world assume
that the Sharon plan only concerns whether Israelis should continue
to live in the Katif district of Gaza and some seemingly distant
Jewish communities in Northern Samaria.

Hence the term "disengagement".

However, if anyone had bothered to READ the Sharon Plan, posted at, the reality of the Sharon Plan would unfold in an
entirely different direction.

While the Sharon Plan is described as a "disengagement plan", it does
anything but that..
Despite the premise in clause one of the Sharon Plan that there is no
Palestinian peace partner, the Sharon Plan involves a PLO empowerment

14 clauses of the Sharon Plan strengthen every aspect of the PLO to
belie clause one that that there is "no reliable Palestinian partner"

While the premise of the Sharon Plan mandates that the Gaza Strip "be
demilitarized and shall be devoid of weaponry", the Sharon Plan
provides "advice, assistance and training" to "the Palestinian
security forces? by American, British, Egyptian, Jordanian or other
experts, as agreed with Israel."

The Sharon Plan ignores how military training of the PLO facilitated
by Israel and the western democracies was abused to conduct a terror
campaign against Israel in every part of the country for the past
four years.

The Sharon Plan goes on to say that "Israel will be willing to
consider the possibility of the establishment of a seaport and
airport in the Gaza Strip, in accordance with arrangements to be
agreed with Israel."

The Sharon plan obligates Israel to "provide water pipes,
electricity, industrial zones, markets, employment and an industrial
zone to sustain the Palestinian Arab economy of Gaza"?

The Sharon Plan mandates that "other existing arrangements, such as
those relating to water and the electro-magnetic sphere shall remain
in force" while "economic arrangements currently in operation between
Israel and the Palestinians shall, in the meantime, remain in force."

According to the Sharon Plan, these arrangements will include:
i. The entry of workers into Israel in accordance with the existing
ii. The entry and exit of goods between the Gaza Strip, the West
Bank, Israel and abroad.
iii. The monetary regime.
iv. Tax and customs envelope arrangements.
v. Postal and telecommunications arrangements.

Finally, the Sharon Plan envisions international support for the PLO,
"in order to bring the Palestinians to implement in practice their
obligations to combat terrorism and effect reforms, thus enabling the
parties to return to the path of negotiation."

And if the PLO does not "implement in practice their obligations to
combat terrorism"

The Sharon Plan provides no answer to that possibility.

The Sharon Plan does not provide even include a minimal demand that
the PLO not endorse the cold blooded murder of Jews on the official
media outlets of the PLO..

The way in which the official media of Palestinian Authority praised
the October 26th 2004 Knesset approval of the Sharon Plan is

In the words of Nabil Shaath, "May this be only one step in the
liberation of all of Palestine." Meanwhile, Hamas spokesman Moshir
Al-Masri declared that "the Knesset vote proves that the Hamas has
forced the Zionist enemy to retreat."

To make a long story short, the Sharon Plan, far from being a plan of
disengagement from the PLO, is nothing less than a program of
empowerment for the PLO.

Since no one bothered to read the Sharon Plan, spin masters were left
in charge, to sell it as a "disengagement from Gaza" program.

Ariel Sharon knows that the very mention of the word "withdrawal from
Gaza" makes him very popular.

Opponents of the Sharon Plan fall right into the trap that Ariel
Sharon has laid for the them, and they scream loudly against "the
Sharon Disengagement Plan from Gaza", and earn the enmity of Israeli
public opinion. What the opposition to Sharon could have done would
have been to educate the population of Israel as to the inherent
dangers of the "PLO EMPOWERMENT PLAN" to every citizen of Israel.

"Disengagement"? It sounded good.

Imagine if Ariel Sharon had tried to sell his plan for what it really
is: Aiding the PLO, which in the media mind set is Sharon's arch

remote Editorial Posting at 6:46 PM
Sunday, 6 February 2005
: Condoleeza Rice-'viable' Palstate--includes Jordan Valley_Golan
GAMLA: NEWS AND VIEWS FROM ISRAEL Volume 6 Issue 4 Jerusalem, Israel
* * February 3, 2005
Rice's "Viable Palestinian State" Would Shrink Israel out of Jordan Valley
and Most of West Bank
DEBKAfile Special Analysis
New US secretary of state Condoleezza Rice's upcoming visit to the
Middle East next week has galvanized the region's leaders into a
frenzied round of travel and summit consultations. The centerpiece
summit will bring together Israeli prime minister Ariel Sharon,
Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak and Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas
(Abu Mazen) at Sharm al Sheikh next Tuesday. Jordan's King Abdullah
has also been invited.

Rice will take the place of President George W. Bush, who attended
the last such forum, the 2003 Aqaba summit.

There are other differences.

Abbas will be coming from fruitful talks with Russian president
Vladimir Putin in the Kremlin and Tayyep Erdogan in Ankara. He will
have an Iranian invitation to Tehran in his pocket as well as Moscow's
offer of military aid at some future date, including helicopters, to
"counterbalance" US-British defense support for the Palestinians.

Wednesday, February 2, Egyptian intelligence minister Omar Suleiman
turned up in Jerusalem after talks about a cease-fire in Cairo with
two Palestinian rejectionist leaders, Jihad Islami's Ramadan Shalah
and Hamas Khaled Mashal. Both are holding out for a power-sharing
deal with the PLO without renouncing terrorism.

Not to be outdone in the travel stakes, Syrian president Bashar Assad
suddenly flew to Amman Wednesday, February 2, to tap King Abdullah II
on the goings-on and see where he could fit in.

Amid this flurry of movement, nothing has happened to change the
fundamentals at stake between Israel and the Palestinians. Rice made
this clear on Monday, January 31, ahead of her visit to the region
and at the previous Senate hearings before her confirmation last
week: "Without a viable and contiguous Palestinian state that
represents the aspirations of the Palestinian people - meaning enough
land to function well - there will be no peace for either Palestinian
people or Israelis."

This statement does not address the concerns troubling Jerusalem. She
will no doubt be asked by Israeli officials how does that vision and
the support lavished on Abu Mazen fit in with the refusal of nine
Palestinian organizations, including Abbas' own Fatah, to halt their
terrorist offensive against Israel, their acceptance of a lull at
most - not a ceasefire - and his own refusal to dismantle them, as
required in the first stage of the Middle East road map.

Answering senators' questions on January 18, she had this to say
about her perception of a viable Palestinian state - and by
definition Israel's future borders (which will apparently be
determined by default):

"There are several ways to think about viability. One is that it (the
Palestinian state) has to have territory that makes it viable. It
cannot be territory that is so broken up that it can't function as a
state... It has to have economic viability, and there it probably needs
to have economic viability in relationship to other states around it
- to Jordan, Israel and others... Viability, I think, also has a
political and democracy dimension..."

She went on to say, " the president said when he met with prime
minister Sharon back in I think this May, we have to recognize that
the parties are going to determine their borders; that it is not for
us to prejudge what those borders might be. There has been a lot of
negotiation, I think they will need to look at what has been looked
at before."

State department officials who briefed the American press afterward
interpreted Rice's statement as meaning: the territorial contiguity
of a Palestinian state with a common border with Jordan.

Israeli leaders failed to react to the new US secretary's words or
ask for much needed clarifications.

DEBKAfile's sources in Washington, however - after some analysis -
find room for Israel to be concerned on the following scores:

1. The Americans have been shouting from the rooftops for some time
that any cluster of Israeli West Bank communities, including major
towns, that obstruct Palestinian territorial contiguity must be
removed. Back on December 24, we quoted Elliot Abrams, appointed by
President George W. Bush this week as deputy chairman of the national
security council, as saying in closed meetings - on November 30 in
Washington and in New York on December 20 - that "all of the Israeli
settlements east of the existing sections of the West Bank security
barrier will be dismantled and evacuated".

Abrams' comments were no slip of the tongue; he and Rice, along with
new national security chairman Stephen Hadley, are in synch in
everything they say.

2. Establishment of a common frontier between Jordan and a
Palestinian state to ensure the latter's economic viability would
entail Palestinian control of the Jordan Valley and also of
Israeli-Jordanian border crossings. Since Israeli communities in the
Jordan Valley are located east of the security fence, they are
destined by the Bush administration for removal.

3. In the longer-term, Rice's comments on contiguity are also
pertinent to other countries bordering on the projected Palestinian
state - Egypt to the south and Syria to the north. This means Israel
will be required to withdraw from the Philadelphi Corridor on the
Gaza-Egypt border, an issue now at the heart of its talks with
Washington and Cairo. With Israel out of the way and the buffer zone
gone frm the border, a Palestinian state will gain territorial
contiguity between the Gaza Strip and Egypt's northern Sinai

Further down the road, after Israel returns the Golan Heights, a
Palestinian state will have a common border with Syria.

Rice's core message to Jerusalem is clear: she looks to Israel to
grant the Palestinians territorial connectivity and all the land they
need, along with all the accoutrements of sovereignty such as control
of its borders and air and sea ports. To make it so, Israel is
expected to continue pulling out of large tracts of the West Bank in
addition to its volunteered evacuation of four settlements in the
northern part of the territory and pullback from 21 Gush Katif
locations in the Gaza Strip.

Vice Premier Shimon Peres was the only Israeli leader to grasp what
Rice was driving at - and he tried to sugar the pill. The new
secretary of state, he explained, was referring only to Palestinian
territorial contiguity in the West Bank; she did not mean a West Bank
land link to the Gaza Strip.

DEBKAfile's sources in Washington corrected this interpretration.
Rice, they said, was as clear as rain in physically connecting the
two territories. After all, if the Bush administration is advocating
a territorial link between a Palestinian state and Jordan and Egypt,
it is hardly likely to forego a land link for the West Bank and the
Gaza Strip.

Moreover, our sources say, a West Bank-Gaza corridor - via an
elevated highway or a tunnel -- was on the agenda at the Camp David
negotations in 2000 and other Israeli-Palestinian peace talks in the
past, with the Palestinians demanding a fully sovereign land corridor
to cut through southern Israel.

As Rice said, "There has been a lot of negotiation, I think they will
need to look at what has been looked at before."

All of these statements from the incoming US secretary of state are
in glaring contrast with Sharon's constant claim of an understanding
with Bush at the same White House talks to which she refered that
Israel would not be asked to return to the pre-1967 Middle East war
borders under any permanent peace agreement with the Palestinians.

Obviously, the prime minister's office and the Bush adminsitration
have differing perceptions of this understanding. Perhaps the key to
the gap is to be found in the letter Bush sent Sharon after their
talks, in which he referred only to the 1949 armistice lines set
after the 1948 Arab-Israeli war and avoided any reference to the 1967

remote Editorial Posting at 10:01 PM
Updated: Sunday, 20 February 2005 1:37 PM
Not just religious-Zionists object to Sharon's expulsion plan

Arutz-7 Editor Arutz-7 News: Wednesday, February 2, 2005
The assertion that only religious-Zionists object to the uprooting/transfer plan is about to be bashed in a big way, with a large anti-disengagement event to be held by secular Galilee pioneers.

Moshav Nahalal in the Galilee, one of the most prominent of the secular moshav movement, will host the first of a series of gatherings protesting Prime Minister Sharon's expulsion plan. The plan calls for Israel to unilaterally withdraw all its forces, its 8,500 citizens and their homes from Gush Katif and northern Shomron this summer, and abandon the land to the Arabs.

The gathering at Nahalal is scheduled to take place on Monday, Feb. 14, and will signal the solidarity of the veteran workers' settlement movement with the newer settlers. "We won't leave the Gush Katif pioneers alone in the field," they say. "Their struggle is our struggle."

The announcement of the gathering states, "This is our historic land. Our enemies who waged war on us since the beginning of Zionism will not be satisfied with one piece of land or another. Their ultimate goal is to uproot and banish us from the entire Land."

"We know about the plans being cooked-up in smoke-filled room calling to abandon and expel the residents of the Jordan Valley and Golan as well. Far from the spotlights, an international border crossing is being built in the northern Jordan Valley near Mehola - and this is clear proof of the dark storm about to come upon the Zionist enterprise.

The statement notes that supporters are expected "from all over the country, from a range of the pioneer settlement movements that effected the miracle of the Zionist revival of the nation returning to its land." The organizers "call on everyone with a human and national conscience to come and sound the rational voice of Zionism, nationalism and settlement, against the attempt to illegally and unethically uproot and destroy the Katif bloc and northern Samaria."

One of the organizers, Beit She'an valley Kibbutz member Yoav Toviah, told Arutz-7 last night, "This is not an official gathering, but rather of individual members of the settlement movement here. Let's not kid ourselves: most kibbutz members - I don't know about the moshavim - are in favor of the disengagement. But there are some, like myself, who oppose it." He said that among the organizers are some who have long considered themselves "Land of Israel people," as well as those "who have recently come to the conclusion that this process is both a blow to democracy and a needless destruction of a settlement enterprise in the Land of Israel."

Asked if their support would translate into active opposition in Gush Katif/Northern Shomron itself during the evacuation if it occurs, Toviah said, "I can't speak for others, but I can tell you that already 2-3 weeks ago I sent a fax saying that I would be there on that day."

The organizers' announcement quotes the speech of Simon the Maccabee to Syrian-Greek King Antiochus over 2,100 years ago, in which he said, "Not a foreign land did we take, and not over the property of foreigners did we rule - but the inheritance of our forefathers that was captured illegally and that is in the hands of our enemies. And when the opportunity arose, we restored our forefathers' inheritance."

The statement, phrases of which sounded like they were taken from the National Union party platform, continued, "Facing obtuse powers of evil, facing people with no Zionist or settlement values, and facing a mad dictator who is dragging the country to a civil war - we will establish anew the scale of Zionist and settlement values that built the State of Israel, the national home of the Jewish People."

The statement also refers to the democratic values that were trampled along the way to disengagement: "The nation has already decided three times in favor of keeping hold of Gush Katif: once when the nation overwhelmingly elected Sharon because he said that Netzarim would be like Tel Aviv, while Mitzna, who called for uprooting and destruction, lost." The second time was in the Likud referendum, which gave a large victory to the anti-disengagement camp and which Sharon promised to adhere to but did not. The final instance was the Cabinet decision, when "not only several Likud ministers betrayed their party membership's decision, but Sharon stabbed Israel's democracy in the heart when he created an artificial majority by firing two ministers on the eve of the vote. Who needs a government anyway, if you can just fire ministers before the vote and attain any majority you want."

"We won't leave the Gush Katif pioneers alone in the field," the announcement concludes. "Their struggle is our struggle."

remote Editorial Posting at 10:01 PM
Sunday, 30 January 2005
Petitions of soldiers refusing to evacuate fellow Jews

imra Fri Jan 21 00:22:57 2005 Volume 2 : Issue 968
Petitions of soldiers refusing to evacuate

Aaron Lerner Date: 19 January 2005

Noam Livnat, spokesman for the Chomat Magen group, , provided
IMRA copies of the two petitions being signed by soldiers and reservists.
Livnat has asked Defense Minister Mofaz for a meeting in three weeks to
present the petitions. He expect to have at least 10,000 signatures by then

The following is IMRA's translation:

#1 Declaration of Reserve Soldiers

We the undersigned are Jewish citizens in the State of Israel, who serve as
reserve soldiers in the IDF. We carry out our army service with pride,
cognizant of our obligation and right to participate in the defense of the
People of Israel in its Land and in war against the enemy.

We identify with the remarks of rabbis and public figures who see the
"disengagement plan" and the evacuations, the destruction and expulsion, a
national disaster and violation of Jewish law that may not be participated
in, and hereby declare that we will not give our hands to implement the

Name address rank army number telephone number

#2 Declaration of Soldiers

I will not participate in civil war!

I am a proud soldier in the IDF. My task is to defend the State of Israel
and the People of Israel from the enemy.

I may be asked to expel the residents of Gush Katif and northern Samaria,
but I cannot.

I cannot, because I am unable to beat my brothers and sisters, my

I cannot expel a mother of children from her home; I cannot drag an old
woman from her bed; I cannot use force against a boy.

I will not hurt the handicapped, orphans and widows, raze their homes and
give their land to murderers.

I will not hit Jews. Will not uproot the planted. Will not destroy

Will not aid in the destruction of hothouses, take factories apart, destroy
the harvest in the fields.

Will not remove my countrymen from their graves, will not destroy

Will not agree to participate in civil war, even if I receive such an order.

I recognize the obligation to obey army orders, but if I am asked by my
commander to do these things I will see them as grossly illegal, and as a
soldier will be unable in accordance with the laws of the State and the
orders of the General Staff, to carry them out and will be forced to refuse
the order.

Name address rank army number telephone number

Dr. Aaron Lerner, Director IMRA (Independent Media Review & Analysis)
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remote Editorial Posting at 1:44 PM
Sharon's loathsome strategy to dislodge settlers

Arutz-7 Editor Arutz-7 News: Thursday, January 27, 2005
The disengagement/expulsion plan has begun, according to Arutz-7 broadcaster Adir Zik, with the delegitimization of the Jewish residents in question, as well as government provocations against them.

Excerpts from an article in the B'Sheva weekly by television and radio personality Adir Zik, formerly of the Israel Broadcasting Authority and now of Arutz-7:

"The transfer has already begun. Its steps are clear:

Stage One: Demonizing the settlers. Turning them, with the help of the Israeli media, from a symbol of Jewish and Israeli pioneering spirit and integrity, into parasites and monsters. After all, it's hard to expel good people...

Stage Two: Economic pressure - closing off money sources, drying up their agriculture.

Stage Three: Government provocations against the residents, as occurred in Yitzhar. The footage from the recent evacuation in Yitzhar show soldiers brutally hitting youngsters, dragging religious girls in the mud and over the rocks... But when you turn on the volume, you hear the narrators talking about the wild behavior of the settlers and how they harm the soldiers. This is how the Israeli media lie, and everyone buys it...

Stage Four: Bloodshed... I'm not sure if it can be prevented. I think that the Sharon-Peres-Transfer government will use its force to evacuate Jewish communities, even at the expense of the lives of many Jews. The Israeli media will cooperate, by not showing the distressing pictures of the expulsion of Jews... But the international media will send hundreds of crews for the historic opportunity of photographing Jews expelling Jews, and Jews destroying Jewish towns, and Jews shooting Jews - a real feast for the eyes!

"If [contemplating] these scenes does not wake up the Jewish People in Israel and abroad, and if the nation doesn't wake up and start protesting in the hundreds of thousands as in Ukraine, then the transfer will happen - and the result will be a split in the Jewish Nation... The left and the secular will win in the short run, but the Israeli society will implode and will be destroyed within ten years...

"I believe that the Jews will wake up - but better sooner than later..." No virus found in this outgoing message.
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Version: 7.0.300 / Virus Database: 265.8.1 - Release Date: 1/27/2005

remote Editorial Posting at 1:44 PM
Updated: Sunday, 20 February 2005 1:38 PM
Tuesday, 18 January 2005
Palestinians are only used to get hold of Israel's land
Topic: Occupation
The following statement by Barry Chamish
reflects the reality that Zionsake and others have been highlighting, that the Arabs (so-called Palestinians) don't really possess the deeds to land they say Israel is "occupying: "
Somewhat surprisingly, one Israeli newspaper did make the connection between Fischer's IMF and the removal of Gush Katif from the Israeli map. On 22.10.04, David Bedein reported in Makor Rishon, that Giora Eiland, head of the Knesset National Security Committee, had made a disturbing discovery; "The government of Israel had promised to transfer
all the real estate, properties and goods of Gush Katif to the IMF
headed by James Wolfensohn." The report continued:

The same Wolfensohn in 1997, in cooperation with Shimon Peres and Yasir Arafat, founded
the Peace And Technology Fund, with $100 million in seed money. The funds were transferred
to the IMF via the Shimon Peres Center For Peace.

The Makor Rishon report

In an IMF internal memo dated the 23rd of June 2004, and titled, "The Disengagement, The Palestinian Economy and the Settlements, it is written, among other things that, "The goal of the program is to develop the Palestinian economy and strengthen its leadership." The report notes that, "The value of assets that will be left by the Israeli government is impressive and will be of great benefit to the Palestinians of Gaza." Finally, the report recommends that the Israeli government transfer, "all deeds to the properties to the IMF," and that the Palestinians build "the proper infrastructure to absorb the largesse."

Zionsake: It is therefore abundantly clear that the "globalists" are only using the
so-called Palestinians as an excuse to get hold of Israel's promised land. In the beginning the Arabs might benefit from being allowed to live on the land, but Arabs being Arabs (especially Moslem Arabs), they won't stop their terrorism and it will give the international community the right to get rid of them in an ongoing offensive of "the war on

Editorial Posting at 12:55 PM
Updated: Tuesday, 18 January 2005 1:54 PM
Disengagement Plan is what the Armageddon war is about
Topic: Peace Process
13 Jan 2005 posting)

From the following statement by Barry Chamish it is clear that this Disengagement Plan is already a manifestation of what the Armageddon war is all about, namely to rob Israel of her wealth:
Somewhat surprisingly, one Israeli newspaper did make the connection between Fischer's IMF and the removal of Gush Katif from the Israeli map. On 22.10.04, David Bedein reported in Makor Rishon, that Giora Eiland, head of the Knesset National Security Committee, had made a disturbing discovery; "The government of Israel had promised to transfer all the real estate, properties and goods of Gush Katif to the IMF headed by James Wolfensohn." The report continued:

The same Wolfensohn in 1997, in cooperation with Shimon Peres and Yasir Arafat, founded
the Peace And Technology Fund, with $100 million in seed money. The funds were transferred
to the IMF via the Shimon Peres Center For Peace.

For those still intellectually curious, have a look at the list of Peres Center members and figure it out:


The Makor Rishon report continued:

In an IMF internal memo dated the 23rd of June 2004, and titled, "The Disengagement, The Palestinian Economy and the Settlements, it is written, among other things that, "The goal of the program is to develop the Palestinian economy and strengthen its leadership." The report notes that, "The value of assets that will be left by the Israeli government is impressive and will be of great benefit to the Palestinians of Gaza." Finally, the report recommends that the Israeli government transfer, "all deeds to the properties to the IMF," and that the Palestinians build "the proper infrastructure to absorb the largesse."

And now, the Chief Economist of the IMF, Stanley Fischer will take over The Bank Of Israel to make certain that this is done.

That Armageddon is about robbing Israel of her wealth is reflected by the following: Ezek 38:13 Sheba and Dedan and the merchants of Tarshish and all her villages will say to you, "Have you come to plunder? Have you gathered your hordes to loot, to carry off silver and gold, to take away livestock and goods and to seize much plunder?" '
Israel is being attacked because of her wealth - See commentaries below.
* Her neighboring foes no longer molest her... The commercial nations, Sheba, Dedan, Tarshish and its villages (38:13), are also interested in this invasion [for the spoils] [Islam will probably not be a factor anymore]
(from The Wycliffe Bible Commentary, Electronic Database. Copyright (c) 1962 by Moody Press)

* Ezek 38:1-13
According to the project thus formed he pours in all his forces upon the land of Israel, and finds those that are ready to come in to his assistance with the same prospects (v. 9): "Thou shalt ascent and come like a storm, with all the force, and fury, and fierceness imaginable, and thou shalt be like a cloud to cover the land, to darken it, and to threaten it, thou and not only all thy bands, all the force thou canst bring into the field, but many people with thee" (such as are spoken of v. 13), "Sheba and Dedan, the Arabians and the Edomites, and the merchants of Tarshish, of Tyre and Sidon and other maritime cities, they and their young lions that are greedy of spoil and live upon it, shall say, Hast thou come to take the spoil of this land?" Yes he has; and therefore they wish him success. Or perhaps they envy him, or grudge it to him. "Hast thou come for riches who art thyself so rich already?" Or, knowing that God was on Israel's side, they thus ridicule his attempts, foreseeing that they would be baffled and that he would be disappointed of the prey he promised himself. Or, if he come to take the prey, they will come and join with him, and add to his forces. When Lysias, who was general of Antiochus's army, came against the Jews, the neighbouring nations joined with him (1 Mac. 3:41), to share in the guilt, in hopes to share in the prey. When thou sawest a thief then thou consentedst with him.
(from Matthew Henry's Commentary on the Whole Bible: New Modern Edition, Electronic Database. Copyright (c) 1991 by Hendrickson Publishers, Inc.)
* Ezek 38:1-13

Editorial Posting at 12:37 PM
Saturday, 15 January 2005
Globalist agenda of new Bank of Israel Governor
"Barry Chamish"
13 Jan 2005

by Barry Chamish

Upon the personal recommendation of Finance Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, The Bank Of Israel has appointed a new governor, Dr. Stanley Fischer, and he is a monster. Have a look at his bio:

Dr. Fischer arrives in Israel from his positions of Vice-Chairman of Citigroup, the money launderer of choice of the PLO in America, and Chief Economist of The International Monetary Fund (IMF). It goes without saying that he is also a prominent member of the Bilderberg Group and the Council On Foreign Relations (CFR). The membership lists of both are hereby provided:

To put Fischer's role in global mischief in perspective, we turn to the incisive American analyst, William Jasper:
ECOSOC, the UN's mammoth globocracy, oversees an alphabet soup of dozens of agencies, commissions, committees, and ad hoc bodies (UNESCO, UNIDO, FAO, UNEP, WHO, IMF, UNCTAD, UNFPA, etc.) employing tens of thousands and dispensing billions of dollars worldwide. The globalists have placed their operatives in all the key posts. The World Bank, one of the UN system's pivotal power centers, is headed up by James Wolfensohn (president) and Jeffrey A. Goldstein (managing director), both CFR members and full-blown internationalists. Over at the IMF, globalist economic objectives were managed through most of the turbulent 1990s (and up to 2002) by Stanley Fischer (CFR). Mr Fischer was assisted during that time by Anne O. Krueger (CFR), who retains the No. 2 slot at IMF. The IMF and World Bank closely coordinate their lending policies with USAID, the U.S. State Department agency that handles U.S. foreign aid. At that agency, Constance B. Newman (CFR) is helping to maintain the same destructive programs promoted by earlier CFR apparatchiks like J. Brian Atwood.

They Don't Get It In Israel
For reasons not entirely understood, those Israelis fighting the Gaza sellout just can't make the connection between it and the CFR. Let's look at one example. Every week, the Women In green send out an "analysis" of local politics. For the past month the Matars, mother and daughter-in-law, have expressed amazement that their "allies" are abandoning them and supporting the Gaza surrender. One after another, their "friends" like Charles Krauthammer, Daniel Pipes, Mortimer Zuckerman and Eliott Abrams have jumped ship.

And every week, I write the ladies and point out that all are members of the CFR. With only 4000 members, how could this be a coincidence? They were never friends and now they are closing ranks behind the dismemberment of Israel. But the Women In Green are too intellectually lazy to make the obvious connection. They are simply incapable of understanding that the orders for withdrawal are coming from Manhattan. And that is why they will, 100% guaranteed, lose their struggle.

The latest "traitor" is one Hillel Halkin, a Jerusalem Post reporter who co-authored a report recommending the immediate evacuation of Gush Katif. And no one noticed that his partner was David Kimche, President of The Israeli Council On Foreign Affairs.

Somewhat surprisingly, one Israeli newspaper did make the connection between Fischer's IMF and the removal of Gush Katif from the Israeli map. On 22.10.04, David Bedein reported in Makor Rishon, that Giora Eiland, head of the Knesset National Security Committee, had made a disturbing discovery; "The government of Israel had promised to transfer all the real estate, properties and goods of Gush Katif to the IMF headed by James Wolfensohn." The report continued:
The same Wolfensohn in 1997, in cooperation with Shimon Peres and Yasir Arafat, founded
the Peace And Technology Fund, with $100 million in seed money. The funds were transferred
to the IMF via the Shimon Peres Center For Peace.

For those still intellectually curious, have a look at the list of Peres Center members and figure it out:

The Makor Rishon report continued:
In an IMF internal memo dated the 23rd of June 2004, and titled, "The Disengagement, The Palestinian Economy and the Settlements, it is written, among other things that, "The goal of the program is to develop the Palestinian economy and strengthen its leadership." The report notes that, "The value of assets that will be left by the Israeli government is impressive and will be of great benefit to the Palestinians of Gaza." Finally, the report recommends that the Israeli government transfer, "all deeds to the properties to the IMF," and that the Palestinians build "the proper infrastructure to absorb the largesse."

And now, the Chief Economist of the IMF, Stanley Fischer will take over The Bank Of Israel to make certain that this is done.

But, asks the dazed Israeli, why would Netanyahu have recommended him knowing all this? My book Save Israel offers an explanation which I will only summarize here. The great patriot Netanyahu sold his soul to the CFR when he was a young student in Boston. His career was pushed by the likes of George Bush Sr., Richard Perle and George Shultz. He was appointed deputy ambassador to Washington by Moshe Arens, of the CFR's International Advisory Board, upon the recommendation of the CFR. He was later named Israeli Finance Minister to alter the country's economy according to the dictat of the CFR/IMF globalists.

Fischer is far from the first plant in the Bank of Israel. In the 1980s, Michael Bruno, later of the World Bank in Switzerland, was used to remove Menachem Begin by promoting policies which sent inflation soaring over 450%. After the Oslo Accord, Yaacov Frenkel of the World Bank/IMF was shipped from Washington to make sure that "peace" proceeded, or Israel would face economic disaster.

The CFR now has a one-two punch planted in Israel. Daniel Kurtzer will continue applying CFR diplomatic pressure as American ambassador, while Stan the Man Fischer will apply the threat of economic collapse should the Gaza withdrawal be delayed in any way.

In the end, the Sabbataian anti-Jews of the CFR, with their allies in Labor Zionism, will defeat Jewish religion and morality because the God-fearing and/or moral Jews of Israel were too arrogant, obstinate and dumb to figure out who exactly they were fighting.


The 2nd edition of Shabtai Tzvi, Labor Zionism And The Holocaust is now printed. And it is flawless. As promised, for those who bought the first edition at $25, with its 50 or so missing words, the new edition is yours for $10. That is cost price and I can only make this offer until the next article appears. Until then, I'll send a box of 20 for $10 each to anyone who wishes to wake up their synagogue, church or friends. After that, it's back to $25. No choice.
To celebrate the new edition, I'll offer all my books, CDs and videos for $10. But only until Jan. 21.
To hear my 90 minute lecture last May in Denver on the real "peace" process, just write me at $10 will get you a two CD package. Same price for my video, Who Murdered Yitzhak Rabin.

And as usual, you can order my English books; Who Murdered Yitzhak Rabin, Israel Betrayed, The Last Days Of Israel and Save Israel! by writing me at the same address.
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Wednesday, 12 January 2005
Settlers won't be drawn into Sharon's CIVIL WAR
Topic: Sharon's Disengagement
Arutz-7 News: Tuesday, January 11, 2005

NRP Leader: We Won?t Participate in Sharon?s Civil War
Inside Israel
NRP leader Effie Eitam sharply castigated PM Sharon during the Knesset debate, accusing him of spurring a civil war, refusing democracy, weakening the army, and turning his back on his loyal allies.

MK Effie Eitam of the National Religious Party, wearing a bright orange shirt in solidarity with Gush Katif, attacked Prime Minister Sharon very sharply in his Knesset speech last night. Introducing his party's no-confidence motion in Prime Minister Sharon's government, Eitam said that Sharon was a "democracy refuser," is responsible for dividing the nation and for weakening the army, and is acting with ungrateful cruelty towards those who were loyal to him when he most needed it.

"I must tell you, Mr. Prime Minister - and though you are not honoring us with your presence, the words will certainly reach you - that I have served the country for many years on the battlefield, and during difficult and tense moments, but I have never heard from government elements in the State of Israel such unrestrained incitement as that which was heard from your confidantes and coalition partners this week. 'Break their bones!' your confidantes whispered, and the headlines blared it. Whose bones precisely do you intend to break, Mr. Prime Minister? Those of little children? Pregnant women? Civilian protestors?

"...Are the residents of Gush Katif, Judea and Samaria truly enemies of the State who wish to destroy it, that their bones must be broken?

"And who will destroy these bones, Mr. Prime Minister? The soldiers of IDF Battalion 890, who serve as officers and soldiers, the sons and brothers of all of us, of the residents of Gush Katif and Yesha - they should lift their gun-butts and break bones?

"And then I read that we have a Vice Prime Minister [Ehud Olmert], 'Ehud the Cutter.' He says we should 'cut off their hands' - he's the Rottweiler of the government! I would like to tell you, dear Ehud, that some of these children no longer have hands or legs to cut off [a reference to the three Cohen siblings of Kfar Darom, each of whom lost a leg or foot in a terror attack four years ago - ed.].

"You, Mr. Prime Minister, are the main refuser, possibly the only real refuser in this country! You refuse to hear the voices, you refuse to see the sights, and you refuse to do the simple basic thing that your responsibility to the unity of this country and army and our society obligates you to do [i.e., hold a referendum].

"[Instead], you say, and I quote, 'The settlers are endangering the very existence of this country.' I remember many years ago when I led a group of settlers to Hawara [south of Shechem] on roads that detoured IDF checkpoints [to start a new settlement] ... and your heated car waited up there in Hawara, and you came out and patted me on the shoulder, and I felt at that moment that I was receiving a medal of valor from you. You didn't think then that our bones should be broken, or that our legs should be cut off, or that we were a danger to the State. Today I know that we were then just another naive tool along your dictatorial path that knows only one thing: Ariel Sharon.

"Your new partners in the government are, unfortunately, joining up with you. I was astonished to read of late an article by [Labor MK and former minister] Ephraim Sneh, a doctor bound by the Hippocratic Oath. He writes that it won't be so bad if we have a little civil war and some blood will be spilt...

"And I hear of a new star in our political skies, who wants to head the Labor Party, Ami Ayalon. He explains that maybe we need another Altalena [a ship carrying men and weapons in 1948 against which David Ben-Gurion ordered the IDF to open fire; some 16 were killed] in order to solidify the nation. This terrible rhetoric is simply a call to murder citizens, for bloodshed... Who is the contemptible and unbridled fool who ordered Battalion 890 to be the first and front-line force to evacuate two caravans from Yitzhar? And there is even a young armed paratrooper who thinks that he should fire into the air...

"We know for a certainty that the provocation at Yitzhar was your provocation, Mr. Prime Minister. You want a second Altalena. You want to fire the 'holy cannon' [as Ben Gurion later referred to the event] - but we won't let you.

"You can break our bones, you can cut off the hands and legs of our children, you can take advantage of the volunteer spirit of young paratroopers, to tell them that this is the main mission of the country - to get rid of two caravans from some hilltop - and to bring them to think that they should shoot at simple citizens. But we won't return fire... [We talk about restraint, against refusal], but you have your confidantes and partners in the government of cutting off, uprooting and shooting. You will not get another Altalena from us. You won't get a civil war from us, because we - the citizens whom you wish to go to war against - will not fight against our brothers the soldiers."

At this point, Knesset Speaker Ruby Rivlin interrupted and noted that during the Altalena period in 1948, the civil war was avoided because of a directive issued by Menachem Begin not to fight back.

Eitam continued, "Correct, thank you, Mr. Speaker. Maybe Ami Ayalon who wants another Altalena will learn this chapter in history...

"You, Mr. Prime Minister, are a refuser of democracy. You refuse to go to a referendum or elections. There is no country that makes a decision of this type without specific elections or a precise referendum on the question. But what do you do? You destroy the entire political framework, and turn everyone into confused marionettes. Look at the new opposition head [Shinui leader Tommy Lapid], how he is almost weeping that you left him behind. Look at your partners from United Torah Judaism who tell you that they won't support you on the disengagement. Is this the way to approach this type of move?! With an opposition that is a coalition and a coalition that is an opposition and by switching and replacing parties and coalitions as if they were socks? And then by firing ministers, and by deceiving and reneging on promises to adhere to the results of the Likud referendum?

"You can continue to barrel through one red light after another, you might run over some children on the way, maybe some houses or pregnant women - but we will stop you. We will not give in to your corruption and obtuseness.

"As a Brigadier General in the reserves, I call upon you to take the army out of this story. Firing and dismissing officers who said they object to refusal and will carry out all legal orders, but also said that it's not the function of the army to expel citizens from their homes. They said a simple truth. Why did you dismiss them? Now a witch hunt will start and you will throw out every officer who thinks differently, who wants to say something. This won't strengthen the army, it will only weaken it. It won't make the army more ethical, but will rather confuse it and divide it, and the responsibility will be upon you!

"I would like to conclude and tell you one last thing: When the investigative committees and your friends threw you out from your position as Defense Minister [following accusations against Sharon for his alleged role in the Sabra and Shatila massacres], and you spent many years here as a leper and an outcast in the political and judicial establishment, and no one sat next to you in the Knesset lounge - and we, the simple and na?ve people, were the ones who believed in you. We were your only friends and supporters. The cynicism, cruelty and obtuseness you show us in return will yet boomerang back at you - and you will be remembered, on the last page of your political history, as the man who destroyed the IDF, and the one who is liable, Heaven forbid, to destroy the State of Israel. You have many merits, but you have no right to come and burn everything merely because you were once a partner in the construction!

"We won't respond in kind to your maliciousness, and we won't respond to your violence with violence, and not to your incitement with incitement. But we will say to you clearly: If you don't listen to our call to return this decision [regarding the disengagement] to this healthy and strong nation, we will send you home, and it will be painful and shameful, erasing all your previous accomplishments."

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Updated: Wednesday, 12 January 2005 11:40 PM

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