_ Posted by hebron_today@hebron.org.il> Feb 24, 2005
From: zimra [mailto:zimra1@netvision.net.il]
You can help!!
As you know, I am a resident of Neve Dekalim slated to be deported, homeless, and unemployed with my husband and five children. I thought you might want to know that Israeli non Jewish soldiers are now being trained to break womens' wrists (mine, for example) so that their babies can be easily snatched from them during the evacuation - and they are learning to do this in such a way that leaves no signs of laceration on the skin so that the women will not be able to show it to the media.
Following is an open letter from Pastor Jim Vinyard (from Oklahoma) to Ariel Sharon regarding the illegal and immoral forcible expulsion of the Jews from Gush Katif and the Shomron.
Do you want to help? You can: 1) Get the following article published in your local newspaper. 2) Write or call Prime Minister Sharon: Office of the PM, 3 Kaplan Street, Jerusalem, Israel; webmaster@pmo.gov.il; 972-2-652-4040; 972-2-670-5527. Write: I strongly identify Pastor Jim Vinyard's open letter regarding the illegal and immoral forcible expulsion of the Jews from Gush Katif and the Shomron.
Cut and Paste the letter and sign your name
3) Send a copy of your letter to President George W. Bush, the White House, Washington, DC 20500;
Open Letter from Pastor Jim Vineyard to Prime Minister Sharon:
Christian-Zionist greetings to you Sir on this "black-day" in the history of the nation of Israel! I call it a "black day" Sir, as an observer from Oklahoma, because of your arrogant and jubilant boast to your cabinet that "Gaza will be 'Judenrein' (my words Sir) by Rosh Hashanah." I call it a "black day" Sir, because your personal plan is a reversal of your "campaign platform" you had against Amram Mitzna. I call it a "black day" Sir because your concept of democracy now says "anyone who speaks or writes against the disengagement plan is guilty of incitement".
I call it a "black day" Sir, because your five thousand Druze, Bedouin and Jewish jerks, raised in a non-faithful environment, "storm-trooper deporters", will not have to wear name tags, hence no accountability. I call it a "black day" Sir, because a Hatzofe article noted that many of your storm troopers will be Druze and Bedouins, who are "looking forward" to manhandling Jews. I call it a "black day" Sir, because the entire storm trooper machine, which is now known as the "State of Israel" had reneged on its Abrahamic Covenant, to adopt a new, sick and macabre venture, all in an effort to secure the "silly approval" of the European Union and the Bush Administration. I call it a "black day" Sir, because your "storm trooper school for deportation", established in Beit-Govrin [Lak'hish area], now promises a cool $5,000 bonus to the "storm trooper" deporters. With five thousand storm trooper deporters receiving $5,000 each, that is a cool $25,000,000 (million) the American tax payers will be giving your storm troopers to deport Jews.
I call it a "black day" Sir, because of the fact that it would seem that the only true friends of those people whom you supposedly lead, the apple of God's eye, are the faithful Jews and Christian Zionists, who believe that God meant what he said, and said what he meant, to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
I call it a "black day," Sir, because it is like that day, when Israel's first King, King Saul, as the Holy Bible tells us in 1 Samuel 13: 13-14, when Samuel said to Saul: "thou hast done foolishly, thou has not kept the commandment of the Lord thy God, which He commanded thee .... But now thy kingdom shall not continue. The Lord hath sought him, a man after his own heart, and the Lord hath commanded him to be captain over his people, because thou hast not kept that which the Lord commanded thee."
I call it a "black day," Sir, because it is like that day, when Israel's king, King Ahab, had Elijah tell him that King Ahab had acted immorally in deporting faithful Naboth from his home. God never changes His morality. You too, are acting illegally and immorally when you remove Jews in Gaza and Shomron in 2005 from their homes. As the Bible states: "has thou killed, and also taken possession ... in the place where dogs licked the blood of Naboth, shall dogs lick thy blood, even thine." [1 Kings 21:19]. I call it a "black day," Sir, because it is a day in which people in democracies worldwide need to know that Israel now has a fascist dictatorship endowing Israel in its ruling elite with legitimacy. I call it a "black day," Sir, because American Christians and Jews need to know that Israel's Prime Minister must presently be exposed as a dictator. I call it a "black day," Sir, because Americans need to know that you are utterly ruthless and will stop at nothing - not even bloodshed - to deport Jews from their homes in Gaza and northern Samaria.
I call it a "black day," Sir, because I am going to have to involve all the resources I can, in money and people, to let Americans know what you, Sir - a man who reminds me of Haman, mentioned in the Bible in Esther's day - are going to do to the innocent Jews in Israel.
I call it a "black day" because America is complicit with you in this endeavor.
A true yedid and haver to the Jews.
Jim Vineyard, Baptist pastor
Windsor Hills Baptist Church, 5517 Northwest 23rd St., Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73127. Email: jav9@juno.com
Americans for a Safe Israel/AFSI distributes this open letter from Pastor Jim Vineyard to Prime Minister Sharon with a sense of anguish and anger. We agree with the sentiments expressed in this letter regarding the illegal and immoral forcible expulsion of the Jews from Gush Katif and the Shomron. After reading this letter, if you too agree, please write or call Prime Minister Sharon at: Office of the PM, 3 Kaplan Street, Jerusalem, Israel; webmaster@pmo.gov.il; 972-2-652-4040; 972-2-670-5527.
Please send a copy of your letter to President George W. Bush, the White House, Washington, DC 20500; president@whitehouse.gov; 202-456-1414.
In addition, please distribute this letter as widely as possible, to your Congressional representative, your email list, your religious leaders, and your fellow worshippers. Ask them to add their voices of outrage against the "black-days" planned for the Jewish people.
Americans For a Safe Israel/AFSI; 1623 Third Ave., Suite 205, New York, N.Y. 10128; Tel: 212-828-2424; Fax: 212-828-1717; afsi@rcn.com; www.afsi.org http://www.afsi.org/ ; February 23, 2005