We are once again seeing an example of the methods used by countries to prop
up their crumbling regimes.
To the question: Will the State of Israel continue to exist in another 30
years? most of those asked answered in the negative. This is something unique
to Israel. Most Israelis regard their country as a fleeting incident, and
the great efforts made to acquire foreign citizenship are evidence of this.
Such a popular feeling of emptiness considerably worries the leadership.
Governments aspire to presenting as rosy a picture as possible, since
a lack of physical and economic security present a threat to them. When
it becomes impossible to prevent the public sensing the approaching disaster,
the leadership begins to rerort to magical solutions, such as inventing an
enemy that can be easily pursued. It's always a good idea to send the ignorant
masses to hunt down witches, Jews, or the extreme Right.
Or, alternatively, you can hide the enemy from the people. You can build
a Wall of China, so that the Mongols disappear, or Maginot Line behind
which the Germans will simply evaporate, or a Bar-Lev Line, behind which
the Egyptians will vanish and every Israeli will feel secure under Golda's
apron. And now, of course, we have the separation fence.
Quite a few leaders have promised their nations, when on the brink of disaster,
that they possess a secret weapon that will reverse the situation.
To admit a mistake, to present the public with the naked truth and to propose
a difficult,demanding, path, is something that very few leaders are capable
of doing. Such Churchill-like figures are not very thick on the ground
Last week we were told of the successful trial of the Arrow missile.
The Arrow is the best weapon system of its kind in the world. It incorporates
the most advanced technologies of the 21st Century, something that only 3000
Jews working together on a single objective are capable of achieving.
This prestigious system faces the Scud missile, a flying barrel based on
the V2 missile, after the German engineers who built it were taken prisoner
by the Russians at the end of the Second World War. However, the Arrow has
no chance in this struggle. Despite the world fear of the missile threat,
no country is purchasing it, not even the Americans who have aided in its
The Arrow is the last word from the technological aspect, but ridiculous
from the conceptual one.
Aryeh Stav, editor of Nativ, has compared the interception to two gunmen
fighting a duel. One of then can fire whenever, in what direction, and as
often as he wants. His opponent is only permitted to fire after the first
has pulled the trigger, and then only at the bullet leaving the first gunman's
barrel, at the final stage of its trajectory.
Amazingly enough the Arrow system succeeds in doing so. Unfortunately, laboratory
conditions do not reflect the real-life situation in the future battlefield.
According to the data published it is necessary to fire at least two Arrow
missiles to guarantee hitting a single Scud missile. This means investing
at least five million dollars to down a single Scud (that costs about five
percent of this). If you calculate the total number of Egyptian and Syrian
missiles currently threatening Israel, and try and deploy against them an
effective number of Arrow missiles, you reach a cost exceeding the entire
Israeli defense budget. In other words, even if you totally disband the IDF
and spend all the money on Arrow missiles, you still can't provide a 100%
solution to the greatest threat to the existence of the State of Israel.
Just keep in mind that the Dan Metropolitan Area is a single soft target,
whose destruction with non-conventional weapons would bring an end to the
Israeli story.
This means that a 50-60% effective solution is worse than none at all, since
it creates an illusion of security and diverts resources to an impossible
We have addressed the economic aspect only, and not the tactical issues of
the deception. A missile carrying a chemical warfare warhead, intercepted
by an Arrow missile over Kfar Saba, will cause damage even if it does not
complete its planned trajectory and reach Tel Aviv. And what will the Arrow
do if it encounters missiles with multiple independently targeted warheads
(MIRV)? It is only aquestion of time until these appear, and what will the
Arrow do then? Split up to intercept them?
In fact, both the separation fence and the Arrow missile (that is
also a kind of separation fence in the sky)
are systems intended
to create an illusion of confrontation with reality, that a leadership lacking
moral direction cannot understand, and whose challenges it is certainly incapable
of confronting.
Our leaders will continue to spend many billions in order to buy time in
power, using false solutions. The economic price is the least important part
of the issue.
The billions wasted on
these white elephants are taken from the mouths of hungry children, but the
even more serious result is that Israel has been left exposed to a threat
to its very existence, and its citizens have been sold the idea that the
State is providing the required security.
A real solution
actually exists, but it is associated with a totally different
Zionsake Editor: More about Manhigut Yehudit's solution from their website:
We feel that Israel must strive to achieve noble objectives, instead
of merely to achieve "peace", with a consequent inevitable collapse. In the
same way as a man cannot exist without meaning for his life, neither can
a nation. This is particularly true of the Jewish people and the State of
Israel, that is constantly living under a threat to its very existence.
But what are the noble objectives that we must present as a national objective?
They may be formulated only from the ancient Jewish consciousness, from the
Bible, the morality of the Prophets, Jewish creativity thousands of years
old, and the historic experience of our nation. All these may be summed up
in a single sentence taken from the Aleynu Le'shabeah prayer: "to perfect
the world under the kingdom of the Almighty". The objective of the Jewish
people , and of the State of Israel (its official representative in the world),
is to uplift the entire world to the level of recognition of the Divine Good,
and of execution of the Divine Will. Does this sound frightening? Too religious?
Let's examine it for a moment. What is the objective of other cultured peoples?
For instance, the US wishes to perfect the world under the kingdom of Democracy.
The USSR wished to perfect the world under the kingdom of Communism. The
French wished to perfect the world under the kingdom of the values of the
Revolution (Liberty, Equality, Fraternity). The Germans (may their name and
memory be blotted out!) wished to "perfect" the world under the kingdom of
Nazism. Only the Jewish people, the descendants of the Prophets, "the people
that brought culture to the world" (Adams - the second President of the US)
is forbidden to strive for more than just survival, and may only strive for
As Jews we have the key to the perfection of the world and its advancement
towards a life of creativity and happiness. In order to do so we must develop
a just society, a society developing in its own land and forming a shining
example for the entire world. A society that is realizing, by its way of
life, the morality of the Prophets, and forming a subject for admiration
and imitation by the entire world.
From "A Sense of Reality" By Moshe Feiglin 02 March 2004
It seems that reality in Eretz Israel has its own rules: it is directly linked
to the wishes of the Creator. Whatever matches His wishes is realistic, even
if the entire world is recruited in order to do the opposite. This is of
course true at all times, but in our time, in Eretz Israel, the Holy Land,
it is felt immediately.
Again and again the apparently "realistic" people are hitting our heads against
the wall. They think that their brand of logic matches reality. For them
the country is only a piece of real estate (as Rabin said about the Golan
Heights), a bargaining counter for negotiations. Those who do not take the
Creator's wishes into account, are denying reality, and the price of the
denial by our leaders is unbearable.
We know that there is always hope for Israel. We know that our Father in
Heaven has not returned us to our country for the third time in order to
destroy the renewed Jewish presence in the land of the Patriarchs. The latest
version of the Return to Zion is not a macabre joke of the Creator.
So why do we need Manhigut Yehudit? After all, everything will turn out all
right anyway...
...Authentic Jewish belief is not divorced from reality. On the contrary,
it defines reality and obligates us to act in order to realize it.
Reality is the wishes of the Creator in His world. The reality is that there
is G-d, that there is a nation indicating Him by its very existence, and
that there is a country chosen by G-d for His nation only, and that only
in it and from it the sons of the Creator can carry out their universal mission.
This is the reality, and our task is to expose it and realize it.
There is at the moment only one political body acting in coordination with
this reality.
This is Manhigut Yehudit. |