Zionsake EditOR: PM-by-default Olmert keeps on saying that the Hamas leadership in Damascus is really behind the kidnapping of the IDF soldier in Gaza. Instead of going after them in Damascus, however, the IDF keeps on hitting easy targets in Gaza (from the government's target bank as Dr. Aaron Lerner of IMRA.org.il likes to explain). That is cowardly and doesn't take care of the problem. Just overflying Pres. Assad of Syria's holiday home on the coast with fighter jets to send him a message, is still not very brave. The brave thing to do would be to bomb Hamas, Islamic Jihad and other (so-called) Palestinian Arab Moslems terrorists out of Damascus and Syria. Only that will give the message that Israel is not be messed with and that she cares for the lives of her Jews and others sojourning in her land - including Arabs!
It might force Syria to unleash its missiles on Israel, but that will also be a good thing since it would give Israel the excuse to take out Damascus (as is prophesied in Isaiah17). It will immediately break Iran's connection via Syria to Hisb'allah, Palestinian terrorists, Iran's frontline along the Golan, etc. Hisb'allah will, of course, also enter into the battle, but it won't be too difficult to deal with them in their vulnerable deployment along Israel's (temporary) northern border - that PM Ehud Barak has enabled them to do.
Only such bold action will bring peace because it will make Israel too strong to be messed with - also by the State Department, the E.U. and whoever else tries to side with the Moslems against Israel.
Editorial Posting
at 11:31 AM