* |
Ishmael Genesis 16:12 He will be a wild donkey of a
man; his hand will be against everyone and everyone's hand against him,
and he will live in hostility toward all his brothers." NIV
The Chofetz Chaim, Rabbi Yisrael Meir HaCohen
from Radin also warned about the curse of "wildness" on Ishmael:
"The holy Torah tells us regarding Ishmael that
he is a 'pere adam,' a wild beast of a
man. It is known that our Torah is eternal, and if it says about Ishmael
that he is a wild beast of a man, then Ishmael will remain forever a wild
beast of a man." See:
"There is a deep problem in Islam" |
* |
Nisreen Mazawi, born in 1979, a member of the largest Christian family
in Nazareth (... some 3,000 people), does not look like an Arab. Everyone
tells her so. "I began to ask myself what an Arab looks like in the eyes
of Israeli society," she says. "I prepared a personal survey, with questions
related to body size, body color, hair color. I distributed a few hundred
copies in Haifa,...and received more or less the same
results: an Arab is dark-skinned, smelly and hairy." HAARETZ
27July '04 "Portrait of a potential suicide" By Dana Gilerman |
* |
In his wide-ranging press conference in Riyadh, Prince
Saud also said Arab countries would respond with all means if Israel tries
to force the Palestinians out of their territories. Israeli Prime Minister
Ariel Sharon wants to drive the Palestinians into exile in Arab countries
to make it an Arab problem. This is unacceptable and Arab states will
respond with all means at their disposal," he said. ARAB NEWS (Saudi) 7
Jan.'04:"Saud Warns Against Iraq's Ethnic Rivalry" Abdul Aziz Al-Hindi.[As
if the Palestinians are not Arabs - Zionsake Editor] |
* |
Anti-U.S. and
Israel |
* |
American people fail to see the direct connection
between America's pro-Israel bias against an enraged Arab street and terrorist
attack." "Those who do not like this line of
reasoning are more interested in the security of Israel than in that of America."
"America was attacked because moderate Arabs and Muslims have been uindercut
politically by successive American administrations." Dr Naseer Alomari, JORDAN
TIMES 4 June |
* |
"the attacks of 11 September were
closely related to half a century of US
bias toward Israel" OSAMA EL-GHAZALI HARB - editor-in-chief of Al-Siyasa
Al-Dawliya |
* |
..."we are aware that further terror
attacks, even against the United States,
will hurt us too, exactly as 11 September did." OSAMA EL-GHAZALI HARB -
editor-in-chief of Al-Siyasa Al-Dawliya |
* |
"Khamenei, after Bushe's
said...it was an honour to be targeted by `the most hated Satan
in the world'."
"the US administration was `the source of evil and
aggression toward the whole world.' "
" `It is hard to understand why the United States prefers
to hide the evil face of Israel.' "
" `Bush declares war on Israel's enemies.' " |
* |
Walid Jumblatt, chairman
of the (Druze) Socialist Progressive Party and member of the Lebanese parliament,
praised the January 14, 2004 suicide bombing by a Palestinian woman in Gaza.
It is an act of belief and it is the correct path, because the fall of one
Jew, whether soldier or civilian, is a great accomplishment in times of decline,
subservience, and submissiveness, as a way to undermine the plan to 'Jewify'
all of Palestine. Al-Nahar (Lebanon), January 19, 2004 |
* |
US Secretary of State Colin Powell called Deputy
PM and FM Silvan Shalom today (11.05.04). FM Shalom updated Powell on events
that took place this morning in Gaza and emphasized that Israel would do
everything within its power to return the bodies of the IDF soldiers for
burial in Israel. He said, "Israel is dealing with animals and will use
all of its resources to fight against them."
http://www.imra.org.il -- 11 May 2004 |
Also The Arab world is lagging behind; another insignificant
League summit
Anarchy The anarchy once was blamed
on Hamas terrorists, but PA reports this past week revealed that
Fatah armed gangs, part of the ruling faction, are behind most of
the kidnappings and vigilante violence. The PA also admitted that half those
killed in fighting this year were attacked by rival terrorists and not by
the IDF. "Arutz 7 Editor" <news@israelnationalnews.com> Sun, 16 Oct
Economy:- Just
Oil Apart from
oil - which was discovered, is produced and is paid for by the west -what
do they contribute? Can you think of anything? Anything really useful? Anything
really valuable? Something we really need, could not do without? No, nor
can I. What do they think we feel about them? That we adore them for the
way they murdered more than 3,000 civilians on September 11 and then danced
in the hot, dusty streets to celebrate the murders? That we admire them for
being suicide bombers, limb amputators, women repressors?" Article
by TV presenter Robert Kilroy-Silk, well-known throughout the United Kingdom,
appeared in the Sunday Express last Sunday. Titled, "We Owe Arabs Nothing,"
Pan-Arab media outlets, the Muslim Council of Britain, and other
Muslim groups reacted with outrage to Kilroy-Silk's article, and BBC hurried
to take Kilroy-Silk's morning TV talk show off the air pending an investigation
of his comments. Arutz Sheva News Service
<http://www.IsraelNationalNews.com> Sunday, Jan. 11, 2004
is Inherent
to Islam: Shoebat, former Fatah terrorist, says he was not motivated
by nationalism or the desire for self-determination as much as he was by
his Islamic education. "I was not only a terrorist, I was also terrorized
by my beliefs," Shoebat recalled, "since I had to gain enough merit and good
deeds to go to heaven but never was sure if my good deeds would outweigh
my bad deeds. So it was taught to us that to die fighting the Jews [would]
ease Allah's anger towards my sin and I [would] be secured a good spot in
heaven with beautiful wide-eyed women to fulfill my most intimate desires,
so either way I would win - terror was the only way." Article:
January 27, 2004
In a recent article in the Jerusalem Post (June 27,
2003), Ori Golan interviewed Anjem Choudary, the United Kingdom leader of
Al Muhajiroun (an Islamist group). Mr. Choudary publicly and unabashedly
proclaimed: In Israel there are no civilians. You have to remember that
they are occupying Muslim land [ed: He is referring to the entire country
of Israel, not just to lands occupied after 1967.].... Yaffa Ganz.
Sheikh Yousef Al-Qaradhawi: 'There is No Dialogue
between Us and the Jews Except by the Sword and the Rifle.' Special Dispatch
- Reform Project July 27, 2004 No. 753
("There has been an uproar in the British papers because of the decision
to allow Sheikh Dr. Yousef Al-Qaradhawi to enter Britain, and they have described
him as 'The Mufti of Terrorism' and 'The Propagandist of Extremism.' They
have demanded that the government stop him [from entering Britain] as did
the U.S.)
"Peace" Speaking
at the opening of a meeting of the Organization of the Islamic Conference
(OIC) in Malaysia today (Thursday), the Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir
Mohammad said: [Muslim] peace treaties with the Jews and others, he reiterated
the Moslem view that such treaties are tactical, and are a prelude to victory,
rather than peace: "The Koran tells us that when the enemy sues for peace
we must react positively. True, the treaty offered to us is not favorable.
But we can negotiate. The Prophet did, and in the end he triumphed." |
As a result of radical Islam's links
to the political and military community, and the "all-or- nothing" nature
of religion in politics, the Indonesian government has been reluctant to
move against these [Islamic] groups. AL-AHRAM WEEKLY 24-30 Oct.'02: "Balinese
"Wake up, Muslims, from your
slumber! Unite! Forget your differences. After Afghanistan
will come the turn of every one of your own countries. The enemies
of Islam want to break your strength everywhere in the world." [Voice of
Palestine Radio, Dec. 28, 2001]
Former N'vei Dekalim resident Amram Hazut told Maariv/NRG, "We're
dealing with animals, not people. They didn't even wait half-a-minute
to set the synagogues on fire. When they fired at us from mosques, we didn't
touch them [the mosques], even though our lives were endangered. But for
them, everything is permitted." Arutz 7 News: Wednesday, September 12 2005
Arabs´ Burning of the Synagogues after Gaza withdrawal. |
According to IDF sources, after killing Tali with the first burst of
gunfire, the terrorists approached the car and systematically murdered the
four girls, one by one, shooting each child in the head. To define such behavior
as beastly is an insult to beasts. There are no words to describe the deliberate
viciousness of such creatures, posing as human beings. Hallel by David Wilder,
The Jewish Community of Hebron. May 3, 2004 |

"They are simply animals. They walk around
freely amongst us, but if we make a mistake and come to their areas, it could
cost us our lives." So said this morning Yaakov Shabo, one of four Israelis
who made a wrong turn on Friday into an Arab-populated neighborhood and were
saved at the last moment from a lynching. "Another minute and I would have
been dead," another of the Israelis said. "I thought we were going to end
up like those two poor soldiers who were killed in Ramallah" - a reference
to Yosef Avrahami and Vadim Norzitch who were brutally lynched in the Ramallah
police station when they made a wrong turn into the city on Oct. 12,
2000. Arutz Sheva News Service
IsraelNationalNews.com Sunday,
Aug. 29, 2004 |
"When you hear - and these days you frequently do - that a
senior Arab official is standing trial on charges of corruption - it is
reasonable to assume that this wretched official was not corrupt enough. |
Were Arab Regimes to Fight Corruption - The Entire Political
Elite Would End Up in Courts and Prison. |
"Those governments, like Iraq, that reward
parents for the sacrifice of their children are guilty of soliciting murder
of the worst kind. I expect better leadership, and I expect results....They're
not martyrs. They're murderers. And they undermine the cause of the Palestinian
people." President Bush, April 4, 2002 |
Since America is typically represented by an eagle. Saddam should have
read up on his Muslim passages... The following verse is from the Quran,
(the Islamic Bible) Quran (9:11) --
For it is written that a son of Arabia would awaken a fearsome Eagle.
The wrath of the Eagle would be felt throughout the lands of Allah and lo,
while some of the people trembled in despair still more rejoiced; for the
wrath of the Eagle cleansed the lands of Allah; and there was peace. (Note
the verse number) |
Minister Lieberman (National Union-Yisrael
Beiteinu): "Not only the left [in Israel], but the whole world is running
away from the truth, namely, that this is a war between civilizations - the
Western civilization, of which we are a part, and that of extremist Islam."
Arutz-7 News: Tuesday, Oct. 23, 2001 |
Exchange of more than 400 Arab terrorists for the bodies of
3 IDF soldiers and a kidnapped Israeli businessman: Israel Government Press
Office: The principle of returning POWs, MIAs, kidnapped and fallen IDF personnel
has been sacrosanct since the IDF's inception in 1948.
[IMRA - Critics note that in truth Israel has 12,000 reasons not to do all
in its power to free POWs - the 12,000 missiles aimed at northern Israel]
imra@netvision.net.il 26 January 2004 |