Though the PA later returned some
of the remains, Mofaz demands that UN Secretary-General relate to the fact
that representatives of the world body facilitated the abuse of Israeli
corpses."With the help of the UN and Egypt, the Israeli "peace" team got
the Gaza massacre and humiliation they needed to exact revenge for Sharon's
pullout defeat. The Israeli hit squad is the murder arm of the real powers
that be on this wicked planet. Once again we will try and educate a people
determined to resist the deep truth and too arrogant to admit their political
perspective is all but worthless.
Bush at Bilderberg, a Day
After Meeting Pope
Marc Delcour - 31May04
Roughly translated from
Metula News Agency
article in French
The Middle East is soon to be moving under the impulse of
a huge behind-the-scenes agreement
between governments of the USA, Israel, and certain components of the Palestinian
Authority as well as Egypt and Jordan. And for the first
time these last two countries have accepted to play an active role on the
side of Israel, coordinated by the Sharon government.
As this agreement is rolled out of the shadows into the public domain it
is becoming clear that the new plan doesn't insist on an end to the
Israel-Palestinian conflict but that the partners have a fixed goal now to
realize the conditions of the 'road map'.
In other words, it is about the neutralization of armed resistance to Israeli
occupation, cessation of violence and an in-depth reform of the Palestinian
On Israeli Side, Ariel Sharon has accepted to evacuate the Gaza Strip and
to dismantle all Jewish settlements if the agreement is signed.
who's at super-secret Bilderberg meeting today?
Bilderberg: The ultimate conspiracy theory
Check it
A reader writes: "I met Charles Bronfman socially last month and told him
I live in Gush Katif. He scowled and said that if he had his way, there would
be nothing left of my home but sand dunes."
There is a little think tank in Manhattan called the Council On Foreign
Relations. The 3800 members are as powerful in America as the Bilderbergers
are in Europe. The Bronfman brothers are intimately tied to the CFR and brother
Edgar is an executive member of the cabal.
Lately, some CFR members known as neo-cons have been attacked directly by
other CFR members like Anthony Zinni and or indirectly by the likes of John
Kerry. Incredibly, because they are causing blood to gush in Iraq and claim
they are fighting Islamic terror, Israelis and Jews think the neo-cons are
their allies. They cannot understand a very simple and clear fact: it is
the neo-cons who are behind "the Roadmap," and it is the neo-cons like Wolfowitz,
Cheney, Rumsfeld, Perle, Pipes, Krauthammer, (every one of them but Rumsfeld
CFR members) who are forcing Sharon to pull out of Gaza, even if it requires
murdering Jews to make a point. They want for Israel what they've got for
Iraq...even foreign troops. Sharon's "disengagement" plan calls for foreign
troops taking over lands evacuated by Gaza's Jews.
Allow me to quote a June 3 article
"US President George W. Bush threw
his support again behind Prime Minister Sharon's unilateral withdrawal from
the Gaza Strip and parts of the West Bank, days before the cabinet is to
vote on it.
"Bush: 'His decision provides an historic moment of opportunity to begin
building a future Palestinian state.'
"A well-placed source said the administration is trying to help Sharon win
cabinet approval on Sunday.
"On Wednesday, senior US officials including Assistant Secretary of State
William Burns (CFR) and National Council Middle East Advisor Elliot Abrams
(CFR) are scheduled to meet with PA Negotiations Minister Saeb Erekat.
"Bush's White House declaration Tuesday came after a meeting between US National
Security Advisor Condeleeza Rice (CFR) and Sharon's bureau chief Dov
Dov Weisglass
Now what kind of man is Dov Weisglass to uproot thousands of Jews
from their homes? Why, he is a Mafia hood who wants to get a piece of a casino.
Now I reported the Weisglass-Sharon-Arafat etc. casino syndicate two years
ago and somehow never got any credit for the discovery.
So I'm going to let someone who never publicly acknowledges my contribution
tell the story this time around. I give you, David
Plans to give pieces of Israel's
land to Austrian Companies
Jews out! Austrians welcome!
"According to the P.A. tourist publication This Week in Palestine,
plans are well underway to build a new casino and tourist resort in Southern
Gaza. "Is it a coincidence," Bedein asks, "that this is where the Jewish
communities of Katif now reside?" PA sources say that the new casino will
be owned by the same as those who own the Jericho casino: the PA, an Austrian
casino company, the Austrian Bank BAWAG and Martin Schlaff - all of them
clients of Weissglass' office. When working for Sharon, Weissglass was engaged
in high-level negotiations with PA figures. He also met with American officials
regarding preparations for the "disengagement" from Gaza and the evacuation
of Jewish towns in Katif.
"Dov Weissglass, who recently resigned as head of Prime Minister Sharon's
Office, is still listed as part-owner of a law firm representing PA business
interests who wish to build a casino in southern Gaza.
"In January 2003, the Israel Civil Service Commission spokesman affirmed
Bedein's finding that Weissglass was still registered in the Israel Corporate
Register as part of his law firm, Weissglass-Almagor. The spokesman dismissed
its importance, however, saying that Weissglass had divested himself from
all financial interests in that firm. The Commission asked him to formally
remove his name from the firm, however, and indeed, in April 2003, he did
"But, Bedein now reports, it has been confirmed by the Israel Corporate Authority
that Weissglass is still registered as the lawyer of record for two other
firms that are located at the same addresses and with the same lawyers. One
of them, in fact, has the very same name: Weissglass-Almagor.
"On May 11, 2004, the spokesman for the Israel Civil Service Commission wrote
that Weissglass had divested himself of his law firm and had sold the shares
of his business. Upon examination of the publicly available Israel Corporate
Authority records of the Weissglass business, Bedein reports, there is no
record of any Weissglass activity to divest neither from this second law
firm nor from his business.
"Two weeks ago," Bedein wrote in Makor Rishon, "Weissglass was asked if he
still has contacts with the casino company. His answer: 'No comment.'"
"Bedein lists the following remaining questions:
* What profits did Weissglass' law office and business make from Palestinian
Authority interests before and after Weissglass assumed his position?
* What are the current profits of Weissglass' law office and business from
Palestinian Authority interests?
* Is there a possibility of a conflict of interest, at a time when Weissglass
conducts negotiations on behalf of the state of Israel with all official
levels of the Palestinian Authority?
"These questions need to be addressed," Bedein concludes, "by the Knesset,
the Attorney-General, the State Comptroller and by the Israel Civil Service
Commission." The latter two can be visited at
Now, let us recall what I exposed two years ago. As far as I know, I first
exposed the Sharon-Weisglass casino mafia. Now everyone is catching up.
From Haaretz 5/6/04: Weisglass pushed Sharon
to reopen Jericho casino
Yaakov Katz May. 6, 2004
"During negotiations with the Labor Party in October 2000 over the possibility
of the Likud joining a national unity government, Ariel Sharon was asked
by attorney Dov Weisglass, today his bureau chief, to speak with then premier
Ehud Barak over the possibility of reopening the casino in Palestinian-controlled
Jericho, The Jerusalem Post has learned. "The casino is jointly owned by
the Palestinian Authority, Casinos Austria, the Austrian bank BAWAG, and
Austrian-Jewish businessman Martin Schlaff, a key figure in the ongoing police
investigation of the prime minister and his son, Gilad.
"At the time I did not think anything was too strange with Weisglass's request,
since at the time we knew that he was an attorney for the casino," said one
of the participants at a meeting in October 2000 at the Sharon ranch. "But
now, with the allegations that Sharon may have received bribes from Schlaff,
the meeting and the request seem suspicious."
"The reopening of the Oasis Casino, which had a daily turnover of some $680,00
before it was closed nearly four years ago due to the conflict with the
Palestinians, depends largely on Israeli policy in the territories. "The
owners were reportedly given a franchise to operate the Jericho casino until
2028, with a 10-year tax exemption from the day it opened. BAWAG, like Schlaff,
is also eagerly waiting for the government to allow for Israelis to resume
gambling at the casino.
"Following his victory in the 1999 Likud Party leadership primaries, Sharon
went into debt to repay NIS 4.7 million in illegal campaign contributions.
Gilad Sharon received a $1.5 million loan, originating in Austria, from South
Africa-based businessman Cyril Kern in order to repay another loan the family
had taken out in order to return the illegal donations. "The police are
investigating the possibility that Kern served as a front man for Schlaff,
another friend of Sharon's, and a businessman heavily invested in Israel,
who could have made the loan in the hope that Sharon would make decisions
favorable to his business interests, including the reopening of the Jericho
"'We met to talk about whether Sharon should join a unity government with
Barak, and Weisglass told Arik to pressure Barak into reopening the casino,"
the source said. 'They agreed that if Sharon joined the coalition, then they
would ease restrictions on the Palestinians in Jericho in order to inadvertently
allow for the casino to reopen.'
"Shortly after the meeting at the ranch in order to discuss Weisglass's proposal,
the national unity talks fell through.
After Barak called for elections in December 2000, Sharon, in a landslide
victory, was elected prime minister in February 2001 and appointed Weisglass
as his bureau chief.
"In November 2002, after Gilad Sharon learned that police were tracking the
money transfers, he received two additional money transfers from BAWAG, totaling
some $1.5 million."
And two years ago I exposed the ugly fact that Sharon's Bureau Chief, Dov
Weisglass was personal attorney to Muhamed Rashid, spelled Rachid below.
No conflict of interest here that Sharon's chief aide is on the payroll of
the PLO's biggest embezzler. Again, from Haaretz:
"Palestinian Finance Minister Salam Fayyad, a former IMF official who was
appointed last year to reform Palestinian finances and end corruption, said
recently that his reforms were beginning to bring some order to the murky
economic structures created by Arafat.
Last year, the commercial assets illegally controlled by Arafat and Rachid
were finally transferred to the Palestine Investment Fund. Auditors
identified 67 investments in various banks and companies around the
world with a total value of $633 million.
"But Khraisheh said the reform had little effect because only the assets
were turned over, not the profits from ivestments, and the tax revenues were
not returned at all. In addition, Rachid, who was appointed to head the fund's
board of directors, still effectively controlled the assets.
"Khraisheh said the board members had gone to meet Rachid in Cairo, where
he now lives, but he 'refused to cooperate in revealing where the money
Yes, peaceniks everywhere, your
"peacemakers" are not interested in peace. No one believes a Gaza pullout
will bring peace. Everyone knows it will encourage more such "victories"
through terror. Your Israeli "peacemakers" want to launder endless rolls
of cash in the casino which will be their reward for the pullout. And the
foreign powers are salivating at the thought of even more bloodshed, conflict
and best of all, an Israel stripped of its religiosity, patrolled by their
To get their way, they launched a
secret war against the
settlers. The strategy
had several tentacles and it goes on to this day and will until Israel turns
into a Sabbataian state or no state at all.
Tentacle 1 - Demoralize Through
Ghastly Murder
The list of the dead is too long
to even summarize. So I chose three cases where the parents not only refuse
to believe me, but have denounced me. If they can be woken up, it would work
Last week, I was at a political meeting where several Knesset members spoke.
Tzvi Hendel was nice to me and we had an extended conversation. But Yitzhak
Levy ran from me. When he was Housing Minister, he approved 9000 new units
for Judea and Samaria. Shortly after, his daughter was blown up in Jerusalem.
A bomb was put on the stairs of her building just before she entered it.
He sat at cabinet meetings after with his daughter's real murderers in the
same room.
Koby Mandel was a fourteen year old boy butchered with a friend in a cave
outside their village near Bethlehem. The boy was barely in the ground before
shots went through his teenage sister's bedroom window. Their mother, Sherrie,
still thinks this was a coincidence. It was not. It was double-whammy planned
terror and "we" told the Arabs where to aim.
Ariel Weiss was the subject of a heart-lifting Jerusalem Post article. Within,
was the story of how his mother lifted Nablus troop morale by bringing his
platoon some treats. Two weeks later a small uprising was contrived and Ariel
was lured into the range of a sniper. The parents refuse to accept this account
because they think it makes them guilty. How can they be guilty of anything?
How could they have known about the secret war?
Now, time is short. And unless the deviousness of the internal enemy is
recognized, all will be lost.
Tentacle Two - Destroy The
Not long after the second Oslo Accord
was signed, a civil insurrection was mounted by Zo Artzeinu, led by Moshe
Feiglin. His followers blocked roads with burning tires and posed a real
threat to the country's daily viability. This was the only reaction that
Oslo deserved. However, a few years ago, Feiglin had a change of heart and
decided to join the Likud and "fight from within." And his followers still
say, "But look at the effect we're having on the
Arutz Sheva was the voice of
the opposition. So Sharon just shut it down. And nobody did a thing to stop
Rabin, Gur, Zeevi, Ben Elissar
etc. wanted to shut down Oslo. You know the rest.
Tentacle Three - Bring In The
Netanyahu had just been elected Prime
Minister and he was determined to unilaterally pull out of Hebron. Sound
familiar? But he was short three votes in the cabinet. In comes a psychopathic
soldier named Noam Friedman, fresh from a government hospital psychiatric
ward. He shoots up the Hebron shuk in front of the TV cameras and the
guilt-ridden cabinet gives Netanyahu his wish.
We will not detail such staged atrocities as the Hebron massacre, Bat Ayin
etc. etc. Instead let's look at a picayune incident; the uprooting of olive
trees by the settlers of Kfar Tapuakh and Itamar. Now could anything be lower
than killing innocent Arab trees? Not in the public eye. Only problem
is the uprooters were members of the "peace" team and Kfar Tapuakh and Itamar
are on their chopping block.
However, it's not the trees who will suffer as the secret war against the
settlers carries on. Jewish families of all political and economic stripes
will grieve and grieve until there is no one left to grieve for.
Israel is being murdered through dissection by greedy, immoral, lying,
treacherous thugs. Civil disobedience against them is no equal crime. But
there is a cleaner option and I've been saying it for years. Get them on
Rabin. The evidence has been amassed.
Rabin's murderers are
the "peacemakers" behind the Gaza pullout.
Now sue, sue and sue some
more. Or wallow in your pens until it's your turn for the
slaughterhouse. |