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Peace ProcessMenachem Begin: "We are "negotiating the terms of our self destruction"!



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"You cannot negotiate with terrorists, because the single response of terrorists... is blackmail - new demands, nothing more." Czech Prime Minister Milos Zeman.
We must, instead, keep in mind what Cicero once said: "Let them hate us so long as they fear us."
Edward Said: "There is no 'new peace between old enemies'"
The popular understanding of peace is that it is merely an absence of war. This, however, is not the true sense of the word in Hebrew. The word "Shalom" comes from the root meaning "whole, complete, perfect, fullness" and a sense of well-being that goes beyond our circumstances. This is the "peace of G-d, that passes all understanding" (Phil. 4:7), the peace concerning which Yeshua said, "Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives, do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful" (John 14:27). Marvin Kramer,
Reagan was right. And history leaves no doubt that peace only happened through strength--something a member of Carter's inner circle acknowledged to me recently. Joel Mowbray: Pushing "peace" pushes war instead
In 1974, Rabin was interviewed to the program: 700 Club, and he said the major problem was that Israel was always stopped from making a peace treaty, no matter how many military victories. Dr. Pat Robertson - The 4th Herzliya Conference 17 December 2003
Oslo The "Asla" accords (play on words --land-for-peace accords are known as the Oslo accords -- whereas "Asla" means "toilet" in Hebrew).

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The negotiations of the Oslo process, with Ehud Barak's willingness to give away [practically everything] at its apex, have brought upon us the biggest catastrophe in the history of the State of Israel. Minister Uzi Landau, Arutz-7 News, Feb. 17, 2002
Hevron spokesman Noam Arnon said that ever since the Oslo process began, "Islamic terrorism has intensified and has become the international agenda-setter - and it's all because of Oslo.
The Oslo process gave Islamic terrorism a victory, money and power that it never had before. By running away from Gaza and continuing this process, we will bring a catastrophe of inconceivable proportions - not only for us, but for the entire world." Jerusalem Conference. Arutz Sheva News Service. Mar. 16, 2004
: " the head of the organization that took credit for the attack stands Ahmad Sa'adat, one of the terrorists freed by Omri Sharon in the Mukata deal. 'Those who sow surrender reap blood and terror', said MK Michael Kleiner, adding that 'every military operation that ends with the IDF deployed along the Oslo lines is ultimately an ineffective operation.'" : 19 May 2002
"ManhigutEn" <> 17 Sep 2003 Oslo and the WTC
Without September 11th there would have been no September 11th. The Oslo Agreement was also responsible for the collapse of the WTC twin towers. Without the despicable handshake between Rabin, Arafat, and Clinton on the 11th of Sept. 1993, the twin towers would not have collapsed on the 11th of Sept. 2001.
It is customary to explain the Oslo Agreement as a peace agreement intended to end a physical conflict centering around the ownership of a piece of territory. This is just a smokescreen, but it seems that there is no alternative for the "cultured" public. Even the attack on the WTC twin towers, in which there is no territorial dispute in the background, and no war between armies and nations, was explained by the blind Western way of thinking by means of old examples of physical conflicts. Such conflicts can be comprehended from a secular viewpoint, and can be solved using our limited range of concepts. The Americans needed a country and an army to fight against, and Saddam Hussein supplied the goods. The Israelis needed a country and an army to make peace with, so they brought Arafat and invented for him a nation, an army, and a country.
Both Israel and the US are afraid to confront the truth since they lack the cultural tools to understand it and therefore to face up to it.
Even more serious, the cultural basis, the basic ethos on which Israel and the US were founded, is undermined and is liable to collapse if they were to understand the language used for fighting against them. Israel and the US cannot permit themselves to wage religious wars, because this totally conflicts with their culture.
Oslo2Turned the "Palestinians" into a nation; began to revolve around money new
RoadmapThere are those who feel that the road map is worse than the Oslo accords. Some people figure the Americans have caught you off guard, that they led you to believe that the Roadmap is not a serious document and then presented it to you as a fait accompli. Do you not feel that you have been misled?
"No. Not at all. Israel is not a pawn on a chessboard... PM Sharon's Ha'arez interview 11 April 2003

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Minister Uzi Landau: "In Aqaba, [Israel's] blue and white flag became just a white flag [of surrender]. Terrorism has won. The Road Map is the most dangerous document Israel has ever faced. The Oslo tragedy will be nothing compared to [the catastrophe of] the Road Map." Arutz Sheva. June 9, 2003
Geneva understandingsMEMRI (Middle East Media Research Institute) staff member Ezra

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Dalumi has strong criticism for the "professional 'peace' bureaucrats, for whom the holy goal of peace has turned into a form of recreation and employment." Arutz Sheva News Service <> Thursday, Dec. 4, 2003
"One would think," wrote Dalumi, a contributor to the Hebrew news site NFC, "that Ami Ayalon, who has his own peace plan with Sari Nusseibeh, would have accepted the Geneva plan with open arms. But the fact is that Ayalon objects to it, saying that the Geneva understandings are 'less designed to bring peace, and more designed to topple the Israeli government and bring the Geneva initiators to power.'"

Cooperating with the enemy: The Geneva agreement formulated by left-wing Israeli politicians Yossi Beilin, Avraham Burg, Amram Mitzna and others and Yasser Abed Rabbo.
Tourism Minister Benny Elon said that Yossi Beilin is "cooperating with the enemy" in his attempts to advance this agreement. The agreement,is to be signed in Geneva.
Arutz Sheva News Service <> Tuesday, Oct. 14, 2003
It will be truly as Charles Krauthammer wrote (Nov. 28, 2003) in the Washington Post - 'not a peace treaty, but a suicide note':  Not satisfied with having given up Israel's soul, Beilin gives up the body too. He not only returns Israel to its 1967 borders, arbitrary and indefensible, but he does so without any serious security safeguards.
Dr. David Bukay of Haifa University's Political Science Department : Geneva Agreement is a Trojan Horse of Yossi Beilin, and also show the failure of Israel's government in saying that he is irrelevant."
Asked to elaborate on the Trojan Horse image, Bukay said, "This is not only Beilin, but Beilinism - a phenomenon that must be studied in the context of cognitive dissonance. Beilinism is a group of people who don't want to accept reality; a group for whom there is a great divide between reality and their values and comprehension of reality; undermining of democracy; and more.
AlternativesIsraelis rule as they shouldThis week's Torah portion tells us how to make

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peace with our Arab neighbors: "The Commandment to Possess the Land" "And when the L-rd thy G-d shall deliver them before thee; thou shalt smite them, and utterly destroy them; thou shalt make no covenant with them, nor show mercy unto them." Deuteronomy VII:2. Gary M. Cooperberg. August 3, 2000
Remarks by IDF COS Lt. Gen. Moshe Ya'alon in an interview published in Yediot Ahronot on 11 August, 2004: Ya'alon:
We are still talking about an armed Middle East. In order to keep agreements that we signed we must be armed, because also these states [All that are prepared to reach agreements with Israel] are arming with advanced western weapons.
Question: Egypt?
Ya'alon: Yes. We are not at war with them, but if Israel appears weak, it is not certain that the agreement will survive. The Middle East has known its share of radical changes and we must not be caught without strength . .
TransferAnd we have an answer: those who send a fire in one field are liable to burn the entire country, and those who would exile one village - men, women and children - is liable to carry out a complete transfer. Leftist Leaders Yosse Sarid and Yair Tzaban. Op-Ed column - Yediot Achronot 27/6/90
Violence option (for Arabs)
Divide LandThe robust nation of Czechoslovakia was also once told, by the so-called

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friendly nations of France and Britain, that it would be better to cede part of its historic land to the Germans in order to maintain wider peace in threatened and troubled Europe. Czechoslovakia caved, and as a result ceased to be a sovereign and independent nation. Prime Minister Sharon was thus totally justified when, on October 4, 2001, he made the following statement:
I turn to the Western democracies, first and foremost the leader of the free world, the United States. Do not repeat the dreadful mistake of 1938 when the enlightened democracies of Europe decided to sacrifice Czechoslovakia for the sake of a temporary, convenient solution. Don't try to appease the Arabs at our expense. We will not accept this. Israel will not be Czechoslovakia. Israel will fight terror. There's no difference between 'good terror,' and 'bad terror,' just as there is no difference between 'good murder,' and 'bad murder.' Jan Willem van der Hoeven, Director International Christian Zionist Center. Dec. 28, 2003
Shas MK to Sharon (in the Knesset)-don't give away holy landMK Nissim Ze'ev (Shas): "In this week's Torah portion, we read that the burning bush was not consumed, and that when Moses went to check, he was told to first remove his shoes, 'for this is Holy land!' It is the same today: The People of Israel will not be consumed - we are not tired! The nation is strong! And before you try to weaken us and give away land, realize that this is Holy Land!"
Unilateral Disengagement MK David Levy, a three-time former Foreign Minister, has not lost hope, or spunk. "You are breaking the international consensus," he told Sharon, "by showing that Israel is caving in before terrorism. This is not peace. The further we withdraw, the more the other side advances." Levy also criticized Sharon on procedural grounds, for "marketing the plan to the Americans and Europeans before the Knesset and Government even know about it." Arutz Sheva News Service, Tuesday, Feb. 24, 2004
There is no plan merely to withdraw from Gaza. Sharon plans to uproot, in stages, most of the Jewish communities in Judea, Samaria and Gaza. Even now, in the first stage, he doesn't talk only about Gush Katif, but rather about the communities in Gaza and a few other isolated ones in Samaria [Shomron]. He will start with the smaller ones, and will then continue, when the public has gotten used to it, to the others. And all this will be in unilateral steps that will not require or bring an end to terrorism." Yesha Council leader Pinchas Wallerstein

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How Sharon Can Implement Policy Without Knesset Sanction or Israel Government Funding David Bedein   Israel Resource News Agency Sun, 11 Jul 2004
GazaThe Case Against Israeli Withdrawal
The withdrawal enabled terror attacks to evolve into warA 'source' in PM Sharon's office (when speaking with Italian Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Gianfranco Fini.): "A Qassam rocket was launched again at Sderot last night. We are at war, and are fighting terror. A meeting with Abbas cannot be held in such a situation. "GAMLA Staff" <> 01 Nov 2005
Egyptian/Gaza open-border policy ... They didn't waste any time [to infuse Gaza with terrorists/arms] 2005-09-14 [Also posted to Israel-Politics BLOG]
Flimsy reasonsA senior Israeli government official noted that Israel was not ready to dismantle the PLO or the PA, so that it opted for the disengagement plan. Israel Resource News Agency <> 21 Jun 2004
PM Sharon was bluffing/engaged in wishful thinking in his claims regarding understandings/pay-offs from America for the retreat.  Dr. Aaron Lerner, Director, Independent Media Review and Analysis 8/9/2004
WithdrawGaza- See Jews-in-Gaza.htmJudea_Samaria
Leftist FantasiesUzi Dayan, former head of Israel’s National Security Council and general in the IDF reserves: Israel Must Destroy Another 32 Towns @ NIS16 bil. Giving the reason for his plan, Dayan said that “the disengagement from Gaza has brought about the collapse of two fundamental concepts of Israeli politics, the end of retaining the entire land of Israel, and the end of the idea of territories for peace. Both concepts could not stand up to the test of reality.” By Scott Shiloh. Arutz-7 News: Tuesday, September 20, 2005
Justice make way for humanism The killing of Ahmed Yassin was necessary simply because it was just. Since Oslo, Israel has lost its most important weapon - justice. The slogan that in the last decade has led the citizens of Israel to unceasing blood-letting is: "Don't be right - be clever". We have been clever, we have abandoned justice, and we are paying the price every day. The Killing of Yassin - Justice Versus Pragmatis. By Moshe Feiglin 24 March 2004
BirthrightGen 25:32 Esau: "When a man is dying of starvation, what good is his birthright?"
[Like Esau, Israel's heathen government look to America so as not to starve] Sharon would like to see American commitments to Israel anchored in a written document, in the form of a memorandum of understanding or a letter from the U.S. administration. He said the depth of the withdrawal would depend on what Israel received in return, and praised Finance Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for the list of proposals he had drawn up as possible compensation. Netanyahu is due to meet U.S. Ambassador Dan Kurtzer on Tuesday. Israel sounds out Egypt on Gaza plan.  By Aluf Benn, Haaretz Correspondent 24 February 2004 {In the end Sharon got nothing from America - just pressure to withdraw from more land]
Quoting leading Evangelist Pat Robertson's plea to Israelis at the Herzliya Conference last December, Herbert Zweibon, Chairman of Americans For a Safe Israel (AFSI), said, "Please don't commit national suicide... The slogan 'land for peace' is a cruel chimera. The Sinai was given up. Did that bring lasting peace? No. Southern Lebanon was given up. Did that bring lasting peace? No. The world's Christians ask that you do not give away the treasured symbols of your spiritual patrimony... Those political leaders who... dismiss the spiritual dimension of Israel's existence will find that they receive the mess of pottage of Esau rather than the inheritance of Jacob." Arutz Sheva News Service. Apr. 11, 2004
LandGaza: Historic & Strategic importance to Israel See Articles

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1. Why Shouldn't Israel Get Out of Gaza?  2. The Case Against Israeli Withdrawal
Goodwill Confid Bldg
For Palestinians goodwill gestures are taken as a sign of weakness, not goodness. (The Wall St. Journal Editorial. December 1, 2000)
Israel should learn from Hamas leader Khaled Mash'al who stated categorically: "There will be no concessions. Some people believe that  realism means making concessions. It doesn't. Concessions were made in the past, with no results. On the contrary, making concessions is not realistic,  because it means you are not acting in accordance with your people's needs, or with the requirements entailed by the reality of the Palestinian people. MEMRI: Special Dispatch Series - No. 1109 March 9, 2006 No.1109 appears that Israel has fallen into a situation that the Palestinians have the "right" to shower the Western Wall Plaza with rocks as long as they stop after a few minutes. [IMRA - Aaron Lerner]
The Sharon Government, which announces at every opportunity that it has learned the lessons of Oslo, continues to manage the peace process according to the classic Oslo outline, and continues to make concessions to the PA as if there were no terrorism." July 8, 2003 Arutz Sheva News Service
Whitewash of Abu Mazen: FM Shalom: Appointment [of advocate of killing settlers] as a Palestinian prime minister is a step in the right direction. [IMRA: Last week the Government of Israel removed all references to Abu Mazen's recent call to use "all means" against settlers from the IDF Website. The Foreign Ministry website never carried the item nor was it mentioned in any of the various briefing material it distributed.] 23 March 2003
Peace no peaceI think again and again of Britain's Neville Chamberlain and his preposterous belief

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that he had found "peace in our time" through negotiations with Adolf Hitler. What we learned then was that evil appeased is evil empowered. Bill Tammeus: Peace lover ponders the need for war.  March 20, 2003
In 1994, the kidnapping of an Israeli soldier by Palestinian extremists ended with the soldier and four others being killed in a shootout. The same day, the Nobel peace prize was awarded to Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and PLO leader Yasser Arafat.
A youth from Beit El threw a facsimile of the Road Map plan into a makeshift "garbage bin of history," together with "all the other agreements that did not succeed: Oslo, Cairo, Wye, Hevron, Camp David, etc. No Israel leader can succeed in giving away parts of Eretz Yisrael!" Zion Sq Protest against Roadmap. Arutz Sheva News Service. Thursday, June 5, 2003
IDF Brig.-Gen. (res.) Housing Minister Effie Eitam, leader of the National Religious Party, served as commander of the Givati Brigade. "I was privileged to serve as the commander of this special brigade," he wrote in Maariv today, "and when I received word as to what had happened, the words 'IDF' and 'fight against terror' were replaced in my mind with the pictures of young faces and purple berets...

"This war, brought to us by suicide murderers and corpse-traders, is not just a war for our individual lives. It is a war for our way of life, for our right to maintain Israel as a Jewish state and a free and democratic society. Our steadfast persistence has a tremendous power, one that builds up to a national statement that is much more than the number of days and dead, one that stands before the world and says, 'You will not move us from here.'

"There are those who tire of this long and arduous trek, and seek mirages of water and shade along the way. These are mirages that appear attractive to those who are impatient and for whom the way is long. But we, the People of Eternity, do not fear a long journey. For so many years have Jews whispered this dream, passing it through the generations from father to son. We are the ones to have merited making this dream a reality, and this national structure stands strong, solid and true - the solution to all the riddles, the answer to all the question marks..." Arutz Sheva News Service, May 12, 2004


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